Cactus Cats
Save a life...
or hundreds


Hundreds of homeless and abandoned cats and kittens each year find their forever home through our rescue...could you help us?
Ways to Give - Ways to Help
Cactus Cats Rescue is a a non-profit 501(c)3, no-kill rescue organization. Since 1998, our organization has been dedicated to finding forever homes for every cat or kitten that comes into our care. All of our cats and kittens reside in foster homes with knowledgeable and caring foster parents and their families. We work closely with other rescue groups and animal shelters and all of your donations are tax deductible!
There are so many different ways that you can help us provide a soft place to land for our cats. Donations of supplies help us reduce our operating expenses. Monetary donations help us cover the expenses of providing everyday foster care as well as needed veterinary care. However you chose to give, know that your gift makes a difference and truly does help! Thank you.
A monthly or quarterly donation, made through PayPal, gift card, credit card or check, is an easy and wonderful way to help our cats all year long. (you don't need a PayPal account to do it).
You can stop by Petco on Saturday during one of our adoption events to drop off supplies and/or monetary donations.
Purchase and donate supplies via Amazon.
Join iGive to help raise funds for Cactus Cats. It costs you nothing to join.
Donate with Chewy:
Donate with Amazon:


Donate with Zelle:

Donate with Cat's Pride:
Wish List Items
We always need the following items:
Canned wet food (adult and/or kitten)
KMR kitten milk replacement
Scoopable litter
Cat toys
Feliway (Comfort Zone) plug-ins
Liquid laundry detergent HE
Paper Towels
Hand Sanitizer
Petco gift cards
Amazon gift cards